From the Sand Dunes I headed south west to a small town called Mexican Hat, which is right next to the UT-AZ border. This was my home base for the next few days.

The first place that I visited here was Monument Valley. The landscape here is so beautiful and unlike anything I am used to growing up on the East Coast. I took a horseback tour, this was my first time on a horse and it was so much fun, and a great way to see the landscape learn about the history and legends of the Navajo people.
With such open skies, there is also a great view of the stars here.

From Mexican Hat, I also visited Mesa Verde National Park. It was pretty mind blowing to see these ancient structures and petroglyphs from thousands of years ago. I also made a quick drive through Canyon de Chelly which has some additional ancient structures and cool rock formations.
I really enjoyed the beautiful landscapes at Monument Valley, and Mesa Verde was cool for a couple of short hikes with lots of history. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get tickets for a tour down into the structures at Mesa Verde, maybe next time!